2019-20 ECHO Chamber Music Series at Cuyamaca College

Posted on: Sep 6, 2019 9:00:00 AM


Contact: Anne Krueger




今年是第三届ECHO室内乐系列,将在2019-2020赛季举行 at Cuyamaca College’s Samuel M. Ciccati Performing Arts Theatre to new heights with 14场音乐会,由杰森·维奥、巴赫学院、Dalí四重奏、 以及圣地亚哥交响乐团的成员和其他国际知名音乐家 who have performed across the globe.


The season kicks off Sept. 28,with members of the San Diego Symphony performing works from the Elbe to the Moldau. The concert will feature San Diego Symphony principal oboist Sarah Skuster; the Symphony’s English horn player Andrea Overturf; Symphony bassoonist Ryan Simmons; Symphony violinist Julia Pautz; Symphony’s principal bassist Jeremy Kurtz-Harris; Symphony violist Ethan Pernela; and UC San Diego lecturer and harpsichordist extraordinaire Takae Ohnishi.


ECHO室内乐系列(ECHO是东县和声组织的首字母缩写) 是由圣地亚哥交响乐团董事会副主席萨姆·埃尔森赞助的 谁通过他的音乐帮助改变了圣地亚哥县的室内乐景观 支持古典音乐组织,包括圣地亚哥交响乐团 太平洋交响乐团,科尔本学院,爱乐协会,主要是莫扎特. 埃尔桑也是Camera Lucida钢琴四重奏和Myriad Trio的创始人, both of whom will perform this season.


The Samuel M. Ciccati Theatre, named in honor of Dr. Samuel M. Ciccati, former president, 库亚玛卡学院的慈善家和慷慨的支持者,是唯一的音乐场地 是为这种水准的音乐表演而设计的. Each 每年,库亚马卡学院都会举办各种类型的音乐会,这些音乐会都是向公众开放的 以象征性的票价向公众收费,作为服务东县的承诺的一部分 community.


“你很难在任何地方找到如此规模和明星影响力的系列音乐会 一个一流的音乐厅,更不用说社区学院了,”库亚马卡学院院长说 Julianna Barnes. “We are honored to present among the finest lineups of chamber music in San Diego County and we are grateful to Mr. Ersan for his generous and continuing support.”


 All performances will be held at the Samuel. Ciccati Theatre at Cuyamaca College at 7:30 p.m. Among them:

  1.  10月11日——巴赫学院圣地亚哥分校在塞缪尔M. Ciccati Performing Arts Theatre  performing “Café Zimmerman.这个名字取自德国莱比锡历史悠久的咖啡馆“齐默尔曼” of Bach’s orchestra spent time and found inspiration.  Performing one cantata (soprano 克拉拉·罗特索尔克)和四部勃兰登堡协奏曲,其中至少有六位成员 the Bach Collegium.
  2.  Nov. 7日,总部位于巴黎的莫迪利亚尼四重奏将演奏约瑟夫·海顿、菲利克斯·海顿的作品 Mendelssohn and Johannes Brahms. The group comprises Amaury Coeytaux, who plays a 1773 violin by Giovanni Battista Guadagnini; Loic Rio, who plays a 1780 Guadagnini violin; P Laurent Marfaing, who plays a 1660 viola by Luigi Mariani; and Francois Kieffer, who plays a 1706 cello by Matteo Goffriller.
  3.  Nov. 霍索夫斯基三重奏,包括格莱美提名的小提琴家杰西·米尔斯, 大提琴家拉曼·拉玛克里希南和钢琴家相泽理子演奏安东尼·德沃夏克的作品, Elliott Carter and Dmitri Shostakovich.
  4.  Dec. 8——格莱美奖得主、古典吉他手杰森·维奥克斯,NPR报道 也许是他这一代中最精确、最深情的古典吉他手 in a program title “From Spain to the New World,包括多梅尼科·斯卡拉蒂的A大调奏鸣曲、变奏曲等作品 on a Theme of Handel, Op. 107, by Mauro Giuliani, and In a Sentimental Mood by Duke Ellington.
  5.  Jan. 2020年10月15日——Dalí四重奏——委内瑞拉中提琴家阿德里亚娜·利纳雷斯(Adriana Linares)担任第一名 violinist Domenic Salerni, violinist Carlos Rubio and cellist Jesus A. Morales Matos -将其标志性的拉丁美洲,古典和浪漫的曲目混合在一起 a concert named “From Barcelona to Vienna.精选曲目包括贝多芬、贾科莫·普契尼和雨果·菲利普·雅各布的作品 Wolf.
  6.  Feb. 11, 2020 -- “Colburn Onstage: Young Artists from the Colburn School是科尔本学校学生的表演,最初成立于 a preparatory arm of the USC Thornton School of Music. The program includes works by Beethoven, Giovanni Bottesini and Antonin Dvorak.
  7.  Feb. 2020年8月24日——内田玲子和陈哲彦将演奏莫扎特的作品


    Rachmaninoff. 内田是一位钢琴演奏家,作为独奏家和钢琴家进行了广泛的演出 chamber musician throughout the United States; violist Che-Yen Chen is a founding 福尔摩沙四重奏成员,2006年伦敦国际音乐会一等奖得主 String Quartet Competition.
  8.  Mar. 13, 2020 -- “The Clarinet Through Time: Sheryl and Frank Renk and Friends的特点是圣地亚哥交响乐团首席单簧管演奏家谢丽尔·伦克,圣地亚哥室 乐团首席单簧管演奏家(和圣地亚哥交响乐团单簧管演奏家)弗兰克·伦克,圣 迭戈交响乐团中提琴首席主席陈志远,钢琴演奏家钟婷娜演奏 莫扎特、伊戈尔·斯特拉文斯基、达利斯·米约和弗兰茨·克罗默的作品.
  9.  April 7, 2020 -- The Great Wall Quartet featuring violinist Wei Lu; violinist Qi Zhou; violist Chi-Yuan Chen, who holds the Karen and Warren Kessler Chair as Principal Viola of the San Diego Symphony Orchestra; and Cellist Yao Zhao’s, tenured Principal Cello for the San Diego Symphony Orchestra, perform


    with Jessie Chang


    “From Vienna to Paris
    ” featuring works by Beethoven and Ernest Chausson.
  10.  2020年4月23日——钢琴家Orion Weiss和小提琴家Tien-Hsin Cindy Wu将重返 the ECHO Chamber Music Series for a program titled “Mozart: Volume III” featuring a selection of Mozart sonatas for piano and violin.
  11.  2020年5月5日——圣地亚哥交响乐团小提琴家Julia Pautz和大提琴家Xian Zhuo 圣地亚哥交响乐团将由钢琴家蒂娜·钟演奏莫扎特的作品, Beethoven and Frederick Chopin.
  12.  May 19, 2020 -- Camera Lucida takes the stage for a concert titled “Debussy, Mendelssohn, Beethoven.“Camera Lucida”包括大提琴家查尔斯·柯蒂斯、福尔摩沙四重奏的陈志彦、 圣地亚哥交响乐团小提琴家杰夫·塞耶,钢琴家内田瑞子,单簧管演奏家安东尼 McGill.
  13.  2020年6月4日——这一季以麦利亚德三重奏(Myriad Trio)结束,他们表演了安可 “A Paris Postcard.三重奏的获奖音乐家包括中提琴教授陈哲彦 UCLA’s Herb Alpert School of Music; Demarre McGill, principal flutist at the Seattle Symphony; and Julie Smith Phillips, principal harpist at the San Diego Symphony.



EchoChamberMusic.org, or by calling (619) 660-4288.